24 April 2013


Here are ten assumptions.

1. A traditional jazz band can not function properly if it has more than eight musicians. WRONG.

2. You won't find a traditional jazz band with three young ladies among its musicians. WRONG.

3. You should never have a saxophone in a traditional jazz band. WRONG.

4. The violin is NOT an instrument to be played in a traditional jazz band. WRONG.

5. The only places for a traditional jazz band to be enjoyed are a club and a concert hall - NOT the street. WRONG.

6. The world of traditional jazz is full of very old people, so traditional jazz is dying out. WRONG.

7. Young players of traditional jazz? It would be hard to find many. WRONG.

8. All members of a band should wear a matching, smart uniform.  WRONG.

9. Traditional jazz should be taken very seriously. WRONG.

10. You should never have a clarinet AND a saxophone together in a band. WRONG.
That indefatigable video-maker codenamed RaoulDuke504 - for whom we should all be eternally grateful - has put up another video on YouTube. It illustrates all the above. I hope you will share my enjoyment. By the way, the lady singer - I am told (thanks, John Whitehorn!) - was Tamar Korn from New York. You can find her elsewhere on YouTube. I guess she happened to be passing by. She joined in with the band just for this one song: