24 May 2013


In April 2015 I made my first visit to Preservation Hall, New Orleans, since 1998.

Just as in 1998, I still found long queues of tourists and enthusiasts from around the world waiting to see the band play in the legendary 'Hall'.

I was entertained by a concert in which the band was Freddie Lonzo (trombone), Wendell Brunious (trumpet), Daniel 'Weenie' Farrow (tenor saxophone), Lars Edegran (piano), Mitchell Player (bass) and Ernest Elly (drums).
Each one of them is a great player - technically brilliant, and superb in contributing to the essential teamwork. Wendell Brunious has been an idol of mine since I first admired his virtuosity and creative genius when I heard him at the Hall over twenty years ago.

They played mainly the old favourites, such as When You're Smiling, Milneberg Joys and Ballin' The Jack; and Freddy Lonzo in particular was skilful in 'working the audience' - entertaining them with his chat, humour and vocals.

Here's a photo I took of the famous Preservation Hall piano:
Here is the courtyard at the back of the Hall - where the musicians went to relax for a few minutes between sets.
There's Thomas, the Preservation Hall Cat; and Wendell Brunious having a drink; and you can see Daniel Farrow relaxing on the right.

I had a most enjoyable chat with Daniel. In common with all the New Orleans jazz musicians of his generation, he is thoroughly charming and modest about his art. All that matters to him is that he is happy and he loves to share his happiness through his music. It was a privilege that he allowed me to be photographed with him.
If you would like to read about my previous visit to Preservation Hall (in 1998), PLEASE CLICK HERE.