25 September 2014


Here's an unusual Tuba Skinny video. It shows the band informally busking in a session that is partly a rehearsal.
The video begins with Shaye and others discussing chords: she's suggesting an F# diminished at a break and - on Barnabus's prompting - that an A on the third beat might be a good idea. And so on.

The tune is (and I am grateful to several readers for letting me know) Tom Cat Blues by Jelly Roll Morton. You can listen to Jelly Roll and King Oliver delightfully performing it (in 1924) by clicking here.

It's a two-parter, with the first theme (a bit like Nobody Knows The Way I Feel This Morning) in Bb and the second theme (reminiscent of Winin' Boy Blues) in F, both with simple, familiar chord sequences.

We must all be grateful to Lou Krause for making and posting the video.