14 June 2015


If you are a serious fan of New Orleans jazz, or aspire to play it - you really must obtain the appropriate headgear.

So I returned from my 2015 trip to New Orleans with four caps.

Of course, there are many more available in that city. I particularly liked those commemorating places where jazz is played. But I bought just four; a chap can use only so many.

First (on the left) we have the simple 'New Orleans' cap, made by Bol (in China!). It is comfortable, robust and available in various colour combinations. Next comes the jazz-specific blue cap (also available in other colours, such as grey - very appealing). It mentions the French Quarter and manages to get a discreet 'Jazz', with a saxophone representing the 'J', on the peak. I am very fond of this one, which is 100% cotton and made in China by Sun Products. I am currently wearing it daily here in Nottingham.

Finally come two very special caps. The Dew Drop cap commemorates the amazing historic Dew Drop Hall, about which I wrote in a blog post. You can read the post if you  CLICK HERE.
The Dew Drop Hall

I chose the light-coloured cap but there were other options. This 100% cotton cap was manufactured in Bangladesh by the company Port Authority.

Finally, having spent so much time at the great jazz bar The Spotted Cat in Frenchmen Street, I could not resist their special distinctive black souvenir cap.
The Spotted Cat

This is also 100% cotton and was made in China by Port and Company. You can watch a video of a great performance I witnessed of The Shotgun Jazz Band playing 'Royal Garden Blues' at The Spotted Cat by clicking on here.

All four caps are comfortable and have adjuster straps at the back. Their peaks - especially that on the blue 'French Quarter' cap - are effective in giving the eyes some protection from the sun.

And here's a collection of caps brought back from the French Quarter Festival in 2017 by my friend Peter, who lives in London.

It goes without saying that, if you wear a New Orleans cap, your appreciation of the music will be enhanced; and musicians wearing the caps will find their playing rapidly improves.