5 September 2016


In case you haven't already watched it, let me point you to a video that will warm your heart and make you smile. The song is Chicken You Can Hide Behind The Moon. It comes complete with chickens!

To watch this video by The Hokum High Rollers (in this case just Hannah and Jason)

The song could have been circulating even before 1900, but it acquired its established form in the hands of Frank Stokes, a great guitarist who was born in Tennessee in 1888. Words were probably added by his colleague Dan Sane. They worked together in the 1920s as The Beale Street Sheiks. Stokes is said to have founded the Memphis Blues Guitar Style. You can find him easily on YouTube.

'Is this strictly relevant to traditional jazz?' you ask. Of course it is. There was so much overlap between the music of the folk-singers, the jug bands and the jazz bands of the early days.

Also, not only is it a fun number. It has a melody and chord structure (basically a three-chord trick) that are easy to pick up. Any trad band could enjoy playing it, with or without the lyrics. You could even write your own new lyrics for it.

What better way to end this post than with another lovely picture of Hannah?