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8 February 2015


The California Feetwarmers (eight musicians) toured in Scotland in January 2015. To judge from YouTube evidence they attracted large audiences.
This seems to prove that such a tour in the U.K. by an American traditional jazz band (they prefer to call themselves a 'ragtime band') is financially viable - something about which there has been considerable doubt in recent years, when audiences for most trad jazz performances in the U.K. are sparse. This band - by the way - is terrific at communicating with and involving the audience.

For a good example of the band's work in Scotland, try this video: CLICK HERE. This is W. C. Handy's 1920 composition Aunt Hagar's Blues, played at an unusually brisk tempo. There's no prima donna exhibitionism. The emphasis is on neat ensemble work; and both the front line and the rhythm section (which includes both washboard and bass drum - rather like Tuba Skinny's) play well-drilled riffs and rhythmic patterns as required.

This is very enjoyable music-making. The California Feetwarmers are a band worth following.